Friday, June 24, 2016

TXP-Network Update :: 06/24/2016

Dear TXP-Network Users and Content Creators,

It's been a long time coming, and I hope to continue all current services in the future. However, it is with a small sigh that I announce: TXP-Go! will no longer be under active development. Due to the technical limitations exhibited and lack of resources proper, we cannot provide the personal search engine with the current server providers. .
However, there is good news to cancel this out. Development of the V.O.S., while delayed once again, will continue into the winter months. Due to the fact that the V.O.S. only has one active developer working on it, the release date is being set to either summer 2017 or indefinite. Since the developer is still in college it would be better if development did not interfere with their studies. While development will continue into the Autumn and Winter months, it will be slower than what was recently observed in the Google Drive repo. The Bootloader and Kernel are undergoing a second redesign, and the shell will follow soon afterward. To see more on this, please be sure to read the comments in the code - they are written as descriptively as possible. As such, there are also citations/links to where content and designs are derived from. Please note that the ASM used is in *Intel syntax, and as such, may not be compatible with other code, depending upon what you are using. The new Kernel is meant to be more GRUB-oriented and modular, allowing for ease of updates if a next version is ever put in the works. Linker scripts are not provided yet due to the fact that debugging is still underway - releasing defective code is not the intention. As such, while the code present may also have errors/bugs, they are currently being weeded out. .
The most interesting point may be that TXP-JSI could be getting a revamp soon. That will be kept on Google Drive as well when the updates start. If you don't know what TXP-JSI is, please head over to GitHub for a quick look at the older version. It's a concept idea, and is still in development. However, TXP-MC Server C-Panel will not be revamped.
If you are interested in helping, please note that the requirements for requesting to join the project have changed: C/C++ and NASM programmers are needed currently. A working knowledge of these languages implies that you know how to access hardware/interrupts as well. Please refer to the *OSDev Wiki for details on that. If (by some rare chance) you wish to use some code that is (somehow) specific to this project, please feel free to e-mail a permission request. .
As of late May, TXP-Network/TopHatProductions115 has been away from video creation - sorry. FantasticRileyTV is currently standing in. Please treat him as you would TopHat, and realise that one person can't do everything, everywhere. As such, TXP-MC was planning to do some *GangBeasts gameplay recently - it's long overdue. Along with some other games off of *Steam. And, of course, Minecraft :) Please note that the current content season is delayed, and will start in July. The next content season starts in the Autumn, around September 2nd. That will be kickstarted with some gameplay in Minecraft 1.10 or the latest snapshot. .
As for all other social media, *StackXchange and *Quora are the places to be - it's where TXP-Network answers questions :) *Comicvine and *KillerMovie Forums are nice. And *Twitch is still a thing. Just not a big thing, so livestreams will done as follows:
- If it's *Minecraft, *Twitch is 50/50
- If it's not, *YouTube always comes first
- If it's laggy, it's *YouTube-only
- If not, *Twitch could get a new video
- If it's a review, it's not for *Twitch
- If it's a series, there is a chance that some episodes may become *Twitch exclusives
- Else, it's up in the air

* Not owned by TopHat or TXP-Net10