Sunday, April 9, 2017

Spring Content Season Update :: April 2017

What's Up on the U-Box?! It has truly been a long time coming, especially with the previous state of all TXP-Network websites - they were down for nearly a month. With that said, it's now time for me to get back to work. I'll leave all the links at the end of this. This is the first proper update in over a month, due to prevailing circumstances, but I'll give it a shot!

Firstly, TXP-Cloud development has been going at 'full-steam ahead' for around half a month (partially due to the network going down), and Beta 2.0_r3 is already available for testing. All one needs to test this would be a Php/SQL web server and SQLite. Since this version uses SQLite, instead of SQL/MySQL, a seperate SQL server is no longer needed for testing the TXP-Cloud releases! In addition to this, I am also attempting to introduce encryption into the concept. Encrypted sessions are the first thing on my mind. I would have user folders encrypted as well, but that might not be feasible with the current webhost. As such, I am working on including a user-commandline that will allow for users to manage their folder/files without a GUI if they so choose. As a final note, TXP-Cloud accounts will act as the new base requirement for TXP-Network members when this is finally ready. As such, be ready to transfer your data when the time comes - we can't wait to begin anew. This is simply the first part of an ongoing effort to reduce the number of foreign/external systems involved with the operation of TXP-Network services. As such, please be mindful of the fact that available features may change during this gradual transition. We are moving toward becoming a lightweight, web-based platform, if at all possible.

Now for the big Add-On; TXP-JsI is coming back! This project was aimed at extending the functionality of client-side scripting by providing JavaScript with a low-level Application Interfacte, based upon CGICC/C++. Essentially, this could have given Js the same power and scope as Php and the likes (if not more). This could have been workable as it was (if it ever left the original Development phases), but it was found that this might work better under different circumstances than originally intended. This would be handled as an extension of TXP-Cloud, in which registered users could automate simple tasks via TXP-JsI (as a web-service). It could possibly decrease the workload that a single computer may have to undertake by allowing users to off-set simple tasks to the server, via a web-interface. As such, consider TXP-JsI a freebie - it's coming to TXP-Cloud beta, very soon...

Of course, this short blurb on web-services would be all but incomplete without an update pertaining to TXP-Go! - the so-far ill-fated Search Engine I've been tirelessly trying to get online. With that said, Freezoy is obviously not the place to host this project. However, I could try GitHub, just to see if I can make some head-room with the initial testing that needs to occur. As such, don't count it out yet. But, don't confirm it either - nothing is set in stone, except for its coding. That will remain unchanged. Also, TXP-Archivist is being updated as you read this update, with new versions of all current SWPU src's and and a new directory layout. I'm hoping this makes it a bit easier for you all to peruse the Archives.

With that off my rib-cage (chest? That was before my workload got bigger), let's talk about TXP-Technologies - that webpage with the SWPU headlines and the History of the TXP-Network. It's no longer hosting any libraries. Instead, all Programming Libraries will be hosted by TXP-Cloud and TXP-Network SWD. With that set, please update any script sources you have pointing to TXP-Technologies - I don't wanna break anything! Please! As a side note, The ReadingRoom 101 may also see a major change coming in the near future - it may be reduced to simply the Commentator. Leave your thoughts on this on Social Media, and give suggestions if you want. This would be a move toward streamlining TXP-Network services, by removing unnecessary parts of the websites/user-interfaces. Also, TXP-MC has been stagnant for a while now. That will be changing with the upcoming Spring Content Season, since I'm not the only one hosting gaming servers anymore! FantasticRileyTv (the best YouTube friend a dude could know) currently hosts a server for the videos we'll be sending over to YouTube, so stay tuned for greate Episodes. Also, I'll be doing a review of Android 7 this week. I might even be able to get my hands on "Fire Emblem Heroes" if I'm lucky (I've been trying endlessly for dayz now - might be because I'm rooted :). So, Mo' stuff for you guys to watch! Also, I'm on Hyun's Dojo - visit me if you dare. It'll be awesome! I'll try to make videos weekly, if time permits. College professors know no mercy (jk).

Let's talk more about the main project here, though. Development of the V.O.S. is ongoing, along-side that for TXP-JsI and TXP-Cloud. Due to the fact that the V.O.S. only has one active developer working on it, the release date is being set as indefinite. Since the developer is still in college, it would be better if development did not interfere with studies. While development will continue, it will be slower than what was previously observed in the Google Drive repo. The effort is being split between multiple projects, which acts as a sort of bottleneck. The Bootloader and Kernel have undergone a third redesign, and the next phase is almost here. Once debugging is complete, IRQ/ISR and Memory Management will be under development. That leaves the Filesystem and SHell for last. To see more on this, please be sure to read the comments in the code - they are written as descriptively as possible.

But wait - there's more! There's also a HWD project (those exist?). I'm currently working on the specification/concept for an Open-Source, 128-Bit CPU Arch. That can be found on the TXP-Network homepage. We're also working on Video hosting, via TXP-Cloud - that would be pretty nice, for those who want somewhere to go that isn't just YouTube - TXP-MediaShare!

As a quick last note, I'm also working on getting a few upgrades for my current machines (which would aid in things getting processed/uploaded faster). I've been saving as usual, getting closer and closer to the upgrade move:

- Elgato Game Capture Card (so I don't have to use Google Hangouts for streaming/recording gameplay)
 - AMD A10-5750M CPU (for the main laptop in use)
 - SATA-to-USB 3.0 Adapter (I can't work on-the-go with 2 different setups - this is a must)
 - 2 AMD Opteron 275 CPUs (for the server rig that I would like to start testing soon)

However, if you wanna help support the TXP-Network's newest projects and efforts, feel free to use these links:
 :: Donations and Fundraising
 :: eBay

Now, for some Network URLs that aren't listed on the TXP-Network Homepage :)
1) TXP-Network SWD/CD
    CODOFORUM :: TXP-Forumsphere
2) The ReadingRoom 101 (TXP-NewsCast)
    ArticleSetup :: TXP-Commentary
3) TXP-Cloud Manager
    BytesFall :: Cloud Management Console
    ProjectSend :: TXP-Send
4) TXP-Technologies WTD
5) TXP-Go!
    Coming Soon...
6) TXP-MC World Series
    Shadows Rising :: RPG Builder Online
7) TXP-Archivist
8) TXP-Media(Share)
    ClipBucket :: TXP-MediaCast
    TXP-Media Archives
9) TopHat's Thought Cafe
10) Me-Andering Mind

Well, that's all the time I have for today. For any new visitors, Welcome to the Galaxy! And to all you members, Keep it Cool till' next time! This is TXP, Signing Out!
Happy Be-Lated April Fool's Day!


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Happy (Be-lated) April Fool's Day!

Welcome to the end of the Prankster Dayz! I hope you all had a great day, and were filled with immense laughter and joy. This Content Season has seen its fair share of ups and downs, (especially with the current status of our websites), but we will be continuing as planned - one Episode per week...

Also, you will be getting another Hint today - 'convert'.

Have a good week!