Originally written on Friday, December 9, 2016
It's TopHatProductions115, with an update long overdue! First of all, sorry that the upload took so long - I had 3 attempts at it on Friday, then had to redo it again. Oh, and almost forgot to mention that I had to do editing/processing. VideoPad has a weird issue with Audio and Video getting out-of-sync, so, had to take an extra 2 days (2 editing sessions) to fix that as well. So now, running about 4-5 days late on this :( I hope you all can see now, why I can't possibly make this a daily thing. I can barely do bi-weekly - and that's without doing major edits.
Without further ado...
I hope you-all are liking the new Intro! EndCreds may be coming soon. As a season long gone to the winds winds down, with the fun time for gaming videos all but taken for the current season (college), it remains to be seen as to whether or not the TXP-Network can ever push a full, uninterrupted season. However, before going into the break, this video will attempt to discuss a few important topics for the upcoming season and beyond.
With some emphasis being put on how we react to things both in person and online, I will stress the importance of using our manners and appropriate language while online, for multiple reasons:
- younger people may see these pages
- these pages are meant to demo various products, and leaving low-quality comments will detract from the overall experience
- these pages are also meant to provide information, that of which would lose quality if littered with foul language
- you're providing people with an excuse to push for political correctness - which you will never like in reality
- for maturity sake
So please, no inappropriate language - it helps no one, and only incites more flamewars. My videos will not be allowed to turn into hubs for such activity. If I see such, comments will be moderated more strictly. So far, I've seen little-to-no trouble on my uploads and lifestreams, and would like to keep it that way. This is especially a privilege when we play Cards Against Humanity: Online. Content like the videos for this game are no scheduled, and are only here because you the viewers proved that you can handle it (albeit, with age restrictions). Keep up the great work! Also, try to keep active when I'm aloof the Interwebs! Keep asking questions. This video is divided into 4 distinct segments, with accompanying content for each...
Election 2016 - The Importance of Representation, and the topic of Liberty ::
- Available upon e-mail request...
TXP-Network Update - Winter 2016 ::
- Google Drive Development Repo:
- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B98YR-Jm_dNAN3p1WDFYOUt3QlE?usp=sharing
- TXP-VOS 0.2 Development Repo:
- https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B98YR-Jm_dNAcnJGXzZOUEJFNjQ
App Quicky - Andronium OS! ::
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.andromium.os
The one UI system that makes the newest versions of Android seem on-par with Windows Continuum!
Would recommend for anyone working on Android devices On-the-Go.
Minecraft: Pocket Edition Alpha! ::
- https://minecraft.net/
Mojang - The Creators of Minecraft ::
- https://mojang.com/
As an added note, we will also discuss the eBay store and recent moves in hardware upgrading here! Our first upgrade:
- Sun Microsystems Sunfire v20z [2x AMD Opteron(s) | 2.0GHz | 8GB DDR/DDR2 RAM | 2x 70GB SCSI Drives | Windows Server 2012]
- HP ProBook 6475b AMD Laptop [AMD A4-4300 | 2.5GHz | 4GB DDR2/DDR3 RAM | 320GB HDD | Windows 10 Pro]
Our second round of sales on eBay (in case you missed the first one):
- http://www.ebay.com/itm/272481610455?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649
- http://www.ebay.com/itm/272481600546?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649
- http://www.ebay.com/itm/272481591763?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649
If you have any suggestions for future upgrades, please feel free to state your opinions, respectfully, in the comments. More action may be coming soon...
Now for the Announcements for the upcoming season!
Plans for Spring 2017 Season_
- Minecraft: Pocket Edition Alpha/Minecraft Desktop
- Halo 5 Forge
- Brawlhalla
- RocketLeague
- PSO 2/PSO 2 Portable/BB (Blue Burst)?
- Cry of Fear
- FNaF 1,2,3,4,SL?
- Pokemon: Uranium?!
- TBA?!
In addition to all of that, we also have another giveaway coming this Sunday. Stay tuned for more on that!
The TXP-Network has also updated all back-ends for the running websites hosted. Here are the new services:
1) TXP-Network SWD
2) The ReadingRoom 101 (TXP-NewsCast)
3) TXP-Cloud Manager
4) TXP-Technologies 101
5) TXP-Go!
6) TXP-MC World Series
7) TXP-Archivist
8) TXP-Media
9) TXP-Help Desk
10) TopHat's Thought Cafe
11) Me-Andering Mind
1) CODOFORUM :: TXP-Forumsphere
2) ArticleSetup :: TXP-Commentary
3) BytesFall :: Cloud Management Console
3) ProjectSend :: TXP-Send
3) DirectoryLister :: TXP-Libs
6) Shadows Rising :: RPG Builder Online
8) ClipBucket :: TXP-MediaCast
9) *Acorn Aid :: TXP-Support Feed
* Still being updated - not online yet...
Also, check out Hyun's Dojo sometime!
- http://hyunsdojo.com/
- http://hyunsdojo.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=11622
To the returning watchers, Keep Asking Questions. For any new viewers, Welcome to the Galaxy! And to all you members, Keep it Cool till' next time! This is TXP, Signing Out!
All content included in this media production belongs to its respective owners. TopHatProductions115, TXP-Network, “The ‘Moddish’ Gamer”, and “Welcome to the Galaxy” are all covered under the TXP-Network license agreement, and belong to the TXP-Network owner. The phrase, “Welcome to the Galaxy”, is an exception case, and may be used by anyone - with or without citation. However, you may not claim ownership of the content. Complete licensing info for TXP-Network content and mixed-origin media can be found here:
Do not reproduce without citation and applicable permissions. TXP-Network SWD - 2016. All Rights Reserved.