Monday, March 27, 2017

TXP-MC Does :: (Early) April Fool's Day!

Just streamed Content Season 6 :: Episode 1 on YouTube!
A test livestream where I ran my newest laptop with 4GB DDR3 RAM, on a Minecraft Server.

I upgraded to 8GB shortly thereafter, so things should be more stable now...

Content Season 0 started back in 2014:

Also, all TXP-Network websites are currently down, due to the discontunued webhosting services that were once provided by Currently transfering to a new webhosting solution.

Episode 2 shall be arriving on April Fool's Day if I have anything to say about it, and my web services should be up before the end of April if I can work with these guys any better than what I encountered originally here:

Enjoy, and I hope to see you all on the other side...
This is TXP - Signing Out!