Friday, January 15, 2016

Update :: 1/11/16 (re-Post)


For the past season or two, most of the content has been posted to YouTube and other major mirrors across the web. Please be sure to check the official blog for updates and possible uploads for specific websites. DeviantART is due for a group of five uploads this Spring. If you have been watching YouTube or the BlogSpot, you will know that the next season starts in the Spring. We skipped the Winter sub-season this year, and have extended our Winter Intermission period to allow for time for the recent New Year's LiveStreams, V.O.S. development, and planning for the upcoming content season on YouTube and Twitch (this has to come back soon). In addition to this, new electronic equipment has also been acquired - we will be testing and reviewing these devices soon. In addition to this, they will also be used for future videos, such as mobile gaming and app testing. Website updates for all major TXP-Network websites are scheduled for late Spring 2016. V.O.S. development is scheduled to enter beta testing December of this year. Stay Tuned for more...

To all of you who aren't on break for any reason, I'm there with you. I have to do homework and study content through the break. Can't wait for a real break, like the summer or winter vacation getaway (this coming year)! 

For all of you who do have a break, enjoy it - school is coming (or has already come back in-session). Do your best - final stretch to the summer...

In addition to this, gotta plan for the next season, and all of the content (15+ websites to update). That's fun...

And to all, a good year - Welcome to the Galaxy - 2016!

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